Viscosity Test Procedure
1. Select the viscosity cup which is sized appropriately for the liquid to be tested. Be sure that the cup is absolutely clean, and free of any burrs or other defects.
2. Adjust, as necessary, the temperature of the test liquid.
3. Use your index finger to lift the cup by its ring. Avoiding all bubbles, froth, foam, etc., immerse the cup fully into the test liquid. Make sure the cup is vertical and free of air pockets.
4. Measure and record the temperature of the liquid inside the cup.
5. Smoothly and rapidly remove the viscosity cup. Start the timing device exactly as the top of the filled cup breaks the surface of the liquid vessel you are drawing the sample from.
6. Stop the timing device at the first obvious break in the efflux stream, as observed about one to two inches below the base of the cup.
7. Record the exact drain time (to 0.1 sec), temperature, cup number, and all necessary product data. This can be converted to centistokes by using the conversion table furnished with the viscosity cup.
8. For improved assurance and precision, perform three tests, record the results from all three, and use the average as a best estimate of actual viscosity.
9. Be sure to clean the cup thoroughly, immediately after each use (nylon fishing line can be used to clean the orifice).